Local Authors Fair Expression of Interest
Please note: Submissions are now closed. Any submissions made after 5pm Monday 9 September will not be considered.
Wollondilly Library loves to support our local authors!
We are hosting an event to showcase local authors from 10.30am - 1pm on Saturday 9 November 2024.
You will have the opportunity to give a short pitch to an audience, and then sell copies of your book/s.
To be a part of this event, you must live and/or work in Wollondilly or its neighbouring LGAs and have published a book within the last 3 years that has not previously been featured at a Library event.
If you’re an author interested in attending, please fill out this form so we can get all the details we need in one place.
Once submitted, our Programs and Promotions Librarian will review your application and be in touch in September.
Applications close 5pm Monday 9 September. Wollondilly Library reserves the right to decline an application for this event or any Book Launch/Author Talk on Council premises.